
EP358. Good News and Apology/How to Cultivate Wisdom from Daily Life/The more intelligent a person is, the higher the level of happiness?

Duration: 0:16:43

The speaker welcomes everyone to Chiang Mai and thanks them for their support in downloading their program over 4 million times. They apologize for mispronouncing a guest's name and emphasize the importance of humility in recognizing our limited knowledge and the value of considering diverse perspectives. The speaker cites a study on wisdom and defines it as maintaining humility, cultivating empathy and tolerance, and taking a third-party perspective on oneself.

Language: Chinese

EP359. People love the things others are passionate about, and it reminds them of their original intentions

Duration: 0:25:01

The speaker welcomes their audience and apologizes for the long hiatus since their last program. They explain that they have been busy preparing for an English language exam, and share their experiences and insights learned during the preparation process. The speaker emphasizes the importance of finding balance and taking breaks to avoid burnout, while also finding ways to motivate oneself during challenging times. The speaker also reflects on the value of learning from past successes and failures and using them to build confidence and improve future performance. Finally, the speaker expresses their gratitude to their listeners for their support and encouragement.

Language: Chinese

【Psychological Knock on the Door#167】What can we learn from "making mistakes & being stupid" in life?

Duration: 0:32:41

The poscast discusses the author's personal mistakes and experiences related to psychology and life lessons. The author, Yang Jiali, is a psychologist and writer who has appeared on television programs and YouTube channels. The article includes anecdotes about the author's mistakes, such as misinterpreting a movie title and retreating from conflicts with family members. The author also discusses the importance of accepting and learning from one's mistakes and taking responsibility for one's actions. Ultimately, the article emphasizes the humorous and enlightening aspects of making mistakes and learning from them.

【Psychological Knock on the Door#165】Worry relief time~Refused to be a "tool man", how did you get rid of the "savior complex"?

Duration: 0:28:09

The writer, Chen Yixuan, is a playwright and her show airs every Saturday globally, covering topics such as sex and mental health. The letter she received is from someone who has struggled with interpersonal relationships due to feelings of emptiness and uncertainty in their own life. They are easily drawn to people with strong opinions and ideas, but also crave validation from others. The writer reflects on the importance of respecting others' opinions and boundaries, while also acknowledging the struggle of finding motivation and purpose in one's own life. She also highlights the difference between having strong opinions and feeling the need to persuade others, as the former can lead to inspiration while the latter can be off-putting.

EP356. Marshmallow psychology experiment not only about self-discipline / Make a wish to give back to the future

Duration: 0:16:50.800000

The speaker in this video starts by welcoming the viewers and introducing herself as a Pakistani living in Chiang Mai. She talks about how COVID-19 has affected her plans for New Year's Eve and how she spent the evening at home with a bottle of mulled wine. She then shares a story about a psychology experiment called the Marshmallow Test which looked at the ability of children to resist temptation and how this trait affected their future success. The speaker talks about how this experiment can be applied to our own lives in terms of self-discipline and delaying gratification to achieve long-term goals. She emphasizes the importance of having a clear vision for the future in order to resist temptation in the present.

EP353. Books suitable for reading before making New Year's goals. Why can't New Year's resolutions be achieved? Why habit can be a hindrance to learning?

Duration: 0:14:50

The article discusses the difficulty of making changes in our lives due to our ingrained habits and thought patterns. The brain is wired to rely on familiar cognitive patterns, which can prevent us from creating new connections and innovate. To break this cycle, we must force ourselves to create new thought patterns and be conscious of our actions. This process of learning involves updating our cognitive patterns and breaking old habits. The article also explores the concept of internal balance, which refers to the body's natural tendency to maintain a stable state, much like the regulation of body temperature and blood sugar levels. Ultimately, the article suggests that updating our cognitive patterns can help us make positive changes in our lives.