
Historical linguistics. How did they say in ancient times?

Duration: 0:35:00

The next issue of the program is the nature of things and it will be devoted to language and speech . Kirill Babaev, Doctor of Philology, Deputy Director of the Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences, collector and owner of the World of Hats Museum, is participating in the "Nature of Things" program .

Mayan civilization. How ancient people created their calendar

Duration: 0:35:00

This year marks exactly one hundred years since the birth of the famous Russian linguist, decipherer of writing Maya Yuri Knorozov. A monument was erected in a distant country - Mexico, a museum was created in his name . The man who opened the world to an ancient civilization, the calendar of which almost determined the end of the world.

Linguistics. insidious words

Duration: 0:35:08

Each generation has its own actual vocabulary, and a social group may have its own vocabulary . Do we need to understand all the words that are found in literature? And what words can be called "insidious"? We are talking about this in the program "The Nature of Things" with a linguist, candidate of philological sciences .

Paradoxes of language: why are languages so different?

Duration: 0:35:00

"The Nature of Things" is a program about everything that surrounds us . In the program we talk about the paradoxes of language with the doctor of philology, translator and writer Andrei Desnitsky . On the one hand, language is part of the self-determination of Nations, and an essential part, on the other hand, we are free to deal with our verbal