
Berger's rhythm: what secrets are revealed by the biocurrents of the brain?

Duration: 0:32:35

Russian scientists have invented a device built into a cap - by reading the electroencephalogram of the brain, it will react in time if the driver wearing the cap starts to fall asleep at the wheel . Latvia is also studying the data that can be obtained using an electroencephalogram . Konstantin Pudovsky, one of the center's specialists, talks about this in

Language: Russian

Leah Vedensky on the nature of human genius

Duration: 0:34:57

The guest of the Latvian Radio 4 program “The Nature of Things” is Lea Vedensky, a scientist, psychologist and writer from Israel . We will talk about the techniques of abundant thinking, the development of genius on the scale of an individual family and an entire nation .

Language: Russian

The brain: what do we know about its work?

Duration: 0:35:00

The most mysterious organ in the human body is the brain . Scientists are well versed in how, for example, the kidneys work, what happens in the heart and blood vessels, why do we need a liver, pancreas and other organs is more or less known how the spinal cord functions .

Neuromarketing: The Master Key to the Buyer's Brain

Duration: 0:34:54

Neuromarketing is a study of the human brain in order to influence its consumerist habits and consumer behavior . By studying brain activity, uncontrolled human reactions, scientist sees true reaction of the consumer to certain stimuli . While neuromarkseting is actively used by large companies in the world, Latvian consumers have yet to experience these techniques .

Thinking process: how does it happen?

Duration: 0:36:39

Thought processes are still a mystery to scientists who study the brain. Sergey Antsupov, a specialist in ancient Indian philosophy, a musician, has been studying cognitive science for more than 10 years . He takes the position such that out of nothing something is created by the divine will .