
Hello friend!

Duration: 0:40:07

"Polka" talks about what images #children's reading took in Russia and the world . The next episode of the Shelves podcast is dedicated to answering your questions . Ask us about what you would like to know and write in any convenient way .

Attention, question!

Duration: 1:03:33

In this issue, the editors of "Shelf" answer questions from listeners . How to understand if you have a bad text or a good one? Why is the novel better than the series? When did literary awards appear in Russia? Does the author have the right to squeeze a tear out of the reader?

Give me a body

Duration: 0:34:56

Polk podcast: A verbal portrait is one of the most famous literary techniques . Why do writers tell us in detail about the appearance of their characters? How did their work reflect their feelings about their own appearance and clothing? Mayakovsky's yellow jacket, Akhmatova's uncurled bangs and much more .

ChatGPT's first anniversary, what kind of future will it win

Duration: 0:09:23.990884

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, there have been several iconic turning points that have shaped the future. From the emergence of browsers showcasing the internet to the privatization of social media with Facebook, and the advent of the mobile era with the introduction of the iPhone, these pivotal moments have transformed the way we operate and interact with technology. PTE, a game-changer in the field, has quietly revolutionized the industry with its innovative capabilities. With its rapid growth and impact on consumer technology, PTE has become a key player in the tech industry. However, the rise of PTE also raises questions about the implications and ethical considerations of artificial intelligence technology. As we navigate through this rapidly changing landscape, it is essential to consider the potential impact of AI on society and the future of technology.