
Scary exams or why teachers are respected in China

Duration: 0:35:00

In China, education is free for the population. In Latvia, students take exams, but what can a Chinese student boast of in front of a Latvian peer? Except, of course, that he knows a very difficult Chinese language.

Episode five hundred and seventy-fifth The United States enters modern industrialization (33) The popularization of debate in the United States

Duration: 0:16:51

American English language underwent significant changes after entering modern civilization. In 1961, the third edition of the new dictionary was published in Massachusetts, which broke the norm by focusing on spoken language. The dictionary collected 10 million examples, including those from politicians, famous writers, movie stars, and athletes. The traditional linguists were unsatisfied with the new version, but it aimed to expand the appeal of the dictionary by including non-standard language with labels indicating they were unconventional. This caused controversy but also contributed to the development of American language and rhetoric. Debating became a popular activity in American universities, and rhetoric was considered a symbol of democracy. The tradition of teaching rhetoric and public speaking continues in American schools today.

Film Shots - AI Analysis of How Oscar Blockbusters Are Filmed

Duration: 0:06:55

The podcast discuses how AI technology is being applied in the film industry. While science fiction movies often depict humans defeating advanced robots, companies such as IBM and Nvidia have started to use AI to improve movie production. Filmmakers convey their stories through a language of visuals and sound, and the language of film consists of various types of shots, such as close-ups, mediums, and wides. By analyzing and categorizing these shots using machine learning, the process of creating movies can be made more efficient and effective. With the help of AI, images can be classified into specific shot types, such as close-ups or wide shots, allowing for easier analysis and faster production. Machine learning can be used for supervised learning, where different screenshots can be analyzed and sorted manually to determine which shot types they belong to.

EP359. People love the things others are passionate about, and it reminds them of their original intentions

Duration: 0:25:01

The speaker welcomes their audience and apologizes for the long hiatus since their last program. They explain that they have been busy preparing for an English language exam, and share their experiences and insights learned during the preparation process. The speaker emphasizes the importance of finding balance and taking breaks to avoid burnout, while also finding ways to motivate oneself during challenging times. The speaker also reflects on the value of learning from past successes and failures and using them to build confidence and improve future performance. Finally, the speaker expresses their gratitude to their listeners for their support and encouragement.

Language: Chinese

Cross-border e-commerce enters Japan: a dangerous shoal or a gold mine?

Duration: 0:07:01.606122

The mobile phone cannot be a constant rule, the motherland is relaxed and casual, and the latest and technological progress in the lively girls' information bureau. And it is not exclusively broadcast on Himalaya. With a serious injury to the mainstay of beauty and emotional intelligence, re-listen to today's lively girls' information bureau. When talking about Japan's internet market, what is your inherent impression? Is it a risky windstorm or a big mining site? A few years ago, the then CEO of the UCC district summarized the internationalization strategy, dividing the global market into four areas, with China as an emerging market, the US and Europe as another three overseas markets, and Japan and South Korea forming their own system. Especially in Japan, influential companies and business models have grown locally, and the entire internet industry environment is very closed. Foreign companies find it difficult to succeed. We decided to temporarily give up, which represents the views of most Chinese internet companies on the Japanese market at that time. In a long period of time, Chinese internet companies would often target Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, then Southeast Asia, India, and finally Japan. However, a trend has quietly begun to change. In the past two years, electronic brands such as Haier and Huawei have started operations in Japan, with platforms like Douyin and NetEase games entering the Japanese market. This has changed the impression of Chinese manufacturing among Japanese consumers. Low-end lifestyle service platforms have also penetrated the lives of Japanese consumers. In some areas, particularly in the e-commerce sector, Japan is worth paying attention to. It is a potential market with a large number of high-value consumers. E-commerce sales account for only 5% of total retail sales, leaving plenty of room for growth. The e-commerce sector in Japan is currently the fastest-growing channel among all retail channels, and it is difficult for Chinese cross-border players. However, the consumption trend is gradually changing. In Japan, a potential market with a large number of high-spending consumers. For Chinese e-commerce players seeking overseas development opportunities, it is time to explore the Japanese e-commerce market. However, before thinking about how to proceed, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of Japanese consumers. Unlike Chinese consumers who order directly on Taobao and JD using WeChat and Alipay for payment, Japanese online consumers have two very striking characteristics. One is the heavy use of mobile search during the shopping process. The other is the variety of payment methods due to the emphasis on privacy and security in Japan. In addition to credit cards, online payments can also be made through convenience stores, gift cards, bank transfers, etc. To better communicate with Japanese consumers, cross-border e-commerce players in China can take the following measures. Firstly, deep localization is the key to gaining consumer trust. For example, providing authentic Japanese language services and interfaces, converting payments into Japanese currency units, emphasizing product quality over price, and providing detailed product descriptions can increase customer stickiness. Chinese internet companies, especially cross-border e-commerce companies, have a great opportunity in Japan. The early bird catches the worm. Let's wait and see. That's all for this episode. See you next time.

Blackwater City, looted by foreign explorers, is the key to solving the mystery of Western Xia

Duration: 0:17:09.411655

Hello everyone, welcome to Chen's History 1909. An exploration team entered a long-abandoned ancient city in western Inner Mongolia, China, which they later named Heichang in Mandarin Chinese, also known as Blackwater City. They excavated many artifacts throughout the city, possibly unaware that their excavation would uncover a mysterious dynasty that had been sealed for centuries. This was the team's second visit to the site, led by Russian explorer Kozlov. Supported by the Saudi government and the Russian Royal Geographic Society, they were led by a guide from local Mongolian King Ye. They unearthed ancient coins, artifacts, sculptures, and more, filling ten boxes with their findings. After shipping the artifacts back, they left for Qinghai Lake. Kozlov received high praise from the Russian Royal Geographic Society for their findings at Heichang, prompting them to conduct a more detailed excavation. After finishing their exploration of the Tibetan areas, they returned to Heichang for a second excavation. The scope and duration of the second excavation were larger, resulting in a greater number and value of artifacts discovered. A significant number of cultural relics were found, with over 2,000 books and manuscripts from the Western Xia Dynasty discovered in a pagoda just 500 meters west of the city. After the excavations, over 11,000 artifacts were collected, with some now housed in various Russian institutions. This discovery of the Western Xia artifacts led to the formation of the discipline of Western Xia studies and extensive research in Russia. The artifacts provided crucial information for understanding the history, language, art, and religion of the Western Xia Dynasty. As the artifacts were shared and researched, they shed light on the mysteries surrounding the Western Xia Dynasty. The destruction of the Western Xia remains by the Mongols and subsequent looting left many historical questions unanswered for centuries. Despite efforts to recover the artifacts, the publication of Western Xia texts in the 1990s allowed for further research by scholars. The publication of these texts opened up new avenues for research and understanding of the Western Xia Dynasty. Excavations at Heichang revealed a treasure trove of Western Xia-era documents and artifacts, offering insights into their culture and history. The deciphering of the Western Xia script and subsequent research helped researchers gain a deeper understanding of the Western Xia Dynasty. The artifacts unearthed at Heichang provided valuable information about the daily lives of the people living there, including household information, naming customs, and tax records. These discoveries offered a window into the unique societal practices of the Western Xia Dynasty, shedding light on their customs and way of life. Overall, the excavations at Heichang were instrumental in uncovering the mysteries of the Western Xia Dynasty and provided valuable insights into their history and culture.

Language: Chinese

Inventors of Oil Painting - Eck Brothers

Duration: 0:09:01.653288

From the elegance of Venus, but Picasso's unconventional entry into the modernist confusion, a master of virus-like art, listen to the original text of Western art history by Wen Ping Plains. The inventor of oil painting, in the Western art history, especially in the history of painting during the Renaissance, there are two centers, one is Italy, and the other is yours. In terms of the content and form of art, Dutch art and Italian art have completely different characteristics. Before we talk about the inventor of oil painting today, let's first introduce some geographical knowledge. Netherlands is actually Holland. In the language of Nederland, the Holland we usually say is just another name for Nederland. Related to Holland, there are Flanders and Holland, Netherlands, and Flanders are three interesting concepts, with deep historical origins in their names. Among them, Nederland is the oldest name and the largest range, covering Holland and Flanders. These three parts have a significant position in Western art history. For example, the brothers Van Eyck, who invented oil painting, represent Dutch art and the inventor of oil painting. This famous Rubens is called Flanders. Rubens, on the other hand, was a Dutch painter. However, these concepts are not strictly defined, just like the regions they belong to often overlap. Artists sometimes belong to one region, and sometimes they belong to another. So, an artist like the Van Eyck brothers can be said to be a Dutch artist, or they can be said to be a Flemish artist. Dutch art was given a loud title in terms of content, Realism, which is different from the religious subjects, mythological subjects, or aristocratic painting subjects of Italian art. Dutch artists focused more on common people. In terms of form, Dutch artists' works do not have the vibrant colors of the Venetian school or the perfect composition and thunderous force of Michelangelo and Da Vinci, but compared to their works, they do have a distinct feature. This feature can be expressed with a seemingly unrelated term, warmth, which integrates their neither strong nor weak colors with simple and clear compositions, and a simple and natural comparative. The greatest contribution of the Van Eyck brothers to art is that they invented the oil painting technique. Before this, the methods used were mostly tempera paint, egg tempera dries too quickly, which was a fatal weakness for Western painters who valued meticulous work. So they wanted to find a new method that had the advantages of egg tempera and could eliminate its disadvantages. Many people made this effort, but none were successful until the Van Eyck brothers finally found a great way to mix a very ideal medium, using this medium with pigments to be able to have the rich color expression of egg tempera painting style. One of the most famous paintings is the Arnolfini Portrait. Van Eyck's works are characterized by two things, realism and meticulousness. The people depicted in the painting are not like religious figures such as Venus or Apollo but rather ordinary people. And these two people are named individuals. The couple in the Arnolfini Portrait is very impressive, not because the composition is very intricate, but because of the mirror between the two figures. If you look carefully at the mirror, you can see all the details on the other side, such as the window, the backs of the couple, and even the painter himself. How do we know that this person is the painter himself? Because there is a clear inscription on the mirror, including the year of the work and the painter's signature. This work is very vivid, giving the impression of a scene from everyday life where a husband and wife, with the wife pregnant, are interacting in a domestic setting. The husband appears both happy and worried, happy to become a father but worried about the future of the child. The painting is very three-dimensional and gives a clear picture of the story being told. To see the high-definition image of the story, please follow the WeChat public account for the next installment of the content.

Language: Chinese