
The paradoxes of history. Where are we heading?

Duration: 0:35:00

Andrey Groshev, a philosopher and director of the New Acropolis Cultural Center, is taking part in the Nature of Things program . Latvian Radio 4 at the microphone Ludmila volynska has a saying New is well forgotten old as well as old . The question arises: do we go consistently, linearly and systematically from the past to the future,

Dreams of an ideal society: Plato's ideas that have been working for 2500 years

Duration: 0:35:04

What is a state, republic, timocracy, oligarchy and democracy? How are these stages of the development of society related to the individual? Is it possible to create an ideal society? What happens when the laws of its construction are violated? There will be answers - in the program "Nature of Things".