
Diamonds: not only girls' best friends

Duration: 0:35:35

January 2020 marks the 115th anniversary of the discovery of the world's largest diamond . The largest of them have their own names and cost millions . Their physical and chemical properties, as well as their influence on people, are being studied today .

Crystals: From Apocalypse to Absolute

Duration: 0:34:29

Oksana Reznichenko: Crystals are the most mysterious objects that scientists around the world are studying with interest . One of the popular scenarios of the apocalypse, written by the famous science fiction writer, a chemist by education, Kurt Vonnegut, is connected precisely with crystals. It is interesting that crystals can not only grow like living organisms, but also reproduce themselves .

Bones. Can they be restored by learning from nature?

Duration: 0:26:44

Scientists from Riga Technical University and Riga Stradins University have created a joint project called the Baltic Center for Advanced Biomaterials . They study the properties of living bone and the possibility of healing fractures with the help of chemical compounds .