
Heart: motor or something more?

Duration: 0:36:15

It is known that the heart is a set of muscles that pump blood, but why do we pay so much attention to this organ as an expression of emotions? We endow one of the human organs with practically evaluative or prophetic qualities. Can we understand the "nature" of the heart in all its many facets?

Pollen: scientists "train" the device to count it

Duration: 0:39:22

Pollen contains proteins that a person reacts to with the production of immunoglobulin E, which can lead to an allergic reaction . The release of pollen coincides with the time of the greatest turbulence of the atmosphere . In Latvia, pollen allergy may appear as early as February .

Bones. Can they be restored by learning from nature?

Duration: 0:26:44

Scientists from Riga Technical University and Riga Stradins University have created a joint project called the Baltic Center for Advanced Biomaterials . They study the properties of living bone and the possibility of healing fractures with the help of chemical compounds .