
Leah Vedensky on the nature of human genius

Duration: 0:34:57

The guest of the Latvian Radio 4 program “The Nature of Things” is Lea Vedensky, a scientist, psychologist and writer from Israel . We will talk about the techniques of abundant thinking, the development of genius on the scale of an individual family and an entire nation .

Language: Russian

Norm, pathology and borderline conditions: what do scientists know?

Duration: 0:34:59

Today we will talk about the norm What is it, why do we need to know it? How the concept of norm and pathology changed over time, and why the so-called “border states” of the psyche are dangerous. Vera Tolchennikova, neurophysiologist, candidate of biological sciences, researcher at the Department of Higher Nervous Activity, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, takes part in the conversation .

Thinking process: how does it happen?

Duration: 0:36:39

Thought processes are still a mystery to scientists who study the brain. Sergey Antsupov, a specialist in ancient Indian philosophy, a musician, has been studying cognitive science for more than 10 years . He takes the position such that out of nothing something is created by the divine will .