
Home Price Estimates - How the prices we see are determined

Duration: 0:07:10

In this podcast episode, the host discusses using AI to improve the accuracy of estimating housing prices. He explains that while there are various methods for estimating housing prices, the market comparison method is the simplest and most straightforward. However, even with this method, the estimated price is only approximate, and it's challenging to quantify the impact of various factors such as location and age of the property. The idea of using AI is to improve the accuracy of these estimates by taking into account a wider range of variables.

Insurance 2030 - What will AI-enabled insurance look like?

Duration: 0:07:15

In this episode of Comprehensive AI, host Yuxuan discusses the topic of insurance. While some people, like his friend Laoli, enjoy having insurance, others find the policies and claims process too complicated. As a financial product, insurance has been around longer than even mutual funds, but the industry itself lags behind others like banking. Insurance products require manual claims processing and offline inspections, making the industry at least a decade behind banking, according to some media reports. The future of insurance may lie in automated technologies like self-driving cars, which could receive feedback from intelligent assistants to improve safety and reduce the likelihood of accidents.

Automated trading - financial product trading that allows you to make money while lying down

Duration: 0:05:47

In this episode of the podcast, the host talks about how AI can be used in the finance industry, specifically in automatic trading. He discusses the use of reinforcement learning in creating an automatic trading platform and how the neural network is trained in a trading environment to maximize rewards. The aim is to create a strategy that can outperform human traders using real-time market data. The host emphasizes the need for continuous training and improvement to reach the level of AlphaGo in the finance industry.

Reviving Old Movies - See How AI Colorizes Black and White Movies

Duration: 0:07:17

In this episode of the "Full Name AI" podcast, the host Rain talks about the theme of reviving old movies. He highlights the importance of these movies, which may have poor image quality but still tell great stories. Rain also discusses the movie "They Shall Not Grow Old," which uses real footage from World War I to create a vivid and authentic portrayal of the war. The movie required a team to spend four years coloring and enhancing the black and white images, with over 1,000 reference photos taken on location. Reviving old movies is no easy feat and requires a lot of time, effort, and money.

Film Shots - AI Analysis of How Oscar Blockbusters Are Filmed

Duration: 0:06:55

The podcast discuses how AI technology is being applied in the film industry. While science fiction movies often depict humans defeating advanced robots, companies such as IBM and Nvidia have started to use AI to improve movie production. Filmmakers convey their stories through a language of visuals and sound, and the language of film consists of various types of shots, such as close-ups, mediums, and wides. By analyzing and categorizing these shots using machine learning, the process of creating movies can be made more efficient and effective. With the help of AI, images can be classified into specific shot types, such as close-ups or wide shots, allowing for easier analysis and faster production. Machine learning can be used for supervised learning, where different screenshots can be analyzed and sorted manually to determine which shot types they belong to.

E101 | Two-year revenue of more than 100 million US dollars, talk about AIGC's application layer unicorn | AIGC special

Duration: 0:48:26

Welcome to Silicon Valley 101, a tech blog sharing the latest technology knowledge and ideas. In this episode, we continue our discussion on AI, with a focus on which companies are making money from AI. Specifically, we look at two companies, Jasper.ai and Major, and their applications in different industries. Jasper.ai is a unicorn that focuses on creating AI-generated articles and other written content, primarily for businesses. Its platform is easy to use and has many features that make it a valuable tool for businesses. Despite the recent introduction of other similar platforms, Jasper.ai remains at the top of its game.

E107|AI Explosion: Very Early History of OpenAI, and the GPT moment in the Image Field|AIGC Special

Duration: 0:44:53

In this podcast episode, the hosts discuss OpenAI and its early development, as well as a curated collection of AI video tutorials on Bilibili. They recommend several useful videos, including those by former Amazon chief scientist Mu Li and their own GPT-related video. The discussion also touches on the concept of a general AI agent and how OpenAI is working towards this goal. Guest Jin Fang provides insights based on her experience working at OpenAI in its early days and describes the diverse research interests of its founding members. She also discusses her own project, the Universe project, which aimed to build a general agent capable of playing any game controlled by a mouse and keyboard.

E102 | Can silicon-based civilization replace carbon-based civilization? Talk about the mind of AI and digital people

Duration: 0:54:36

In this episode of Silicon Valley 101, the guests discuss the possibility of silicon-based life and whether future civilizations may replace carbon-based life forms. They also explore the idea of biological bootloaders for AI as discussed by Elon Musk and consider the differences between digital and traditional life forms. They discuss the concept of intelligence and whether an infinite lifespan would be beneficial or detrimental to the development of a civilization. They also touch on the idea of the origins of life and the limitations of organic materials in forming complex structures. Overall, the discussion revolves around the potential future of life and civilization as we know it.