
The genre of autobiography or Why write about yourself?

Duration: 0:34:59

"The Life of Archpriest Avvakum, written by himself" is the first example of the autobiographical genre in Russian literature . Svetlana Pogodina, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor at the Department of Russian Studies and Slavic Studies of the University of Latvia, will be on the program of the Latvian Radio 4 “The Nature of

“Moscow was not built right away…” - or how did Russian architecture reach its current state?

Duration: 0:45:25

The fourth episode of the podcast "As if Russian, as if culture" is a conversation about Russian architecture . In this episode, the presenters turn to history to discuss the origin and manifestation of various architectural styles in Russia.

Linguistics. insidious words

Duration: 0:35:08

Each generation has its own actual vocabulary, and a social group may have its own vocabulary . Do we need to understand all the words that are found in literature? And what words can be called "insidious"? We are talking about this in the program "The Nature of Things" with a linguist, candidate of philological sciences .

Maria Nesterenko. How did women's writing begin in Russia?

Duration: 0:38:23

"Shelf" opens a new season of podcasts - and changes the rules a bit . Elizaveta Podkolzina and Lev Oborin are talking to philologist Maria Nesterenko, who has just published her book Roses Without Thorns . Who were the first Russian writers and poetesses, what did they write about and how did they find their way in literature?

Word to the heroes

Duration: 0:54:57

"Polka" decided to discuss Russian literary heroes "in the second sense" Are there exemplary knights or leaders in Russian classics, can such figures be complex? How does literature, when it comes to the hero, relate to mythology and folklore? How to read texts in which the author himself claims such a role?

VGS vs Air Defense

Duration: 0:37:04

Viktor Pelevin and Vladimir Sorokin are one of the stable couples, "eternal companions" of Russian literature . The editors of "Shelf" discussed "The Invincible Sun" and "Russian Folk Proverbs and Sayings" Sorokin's folklore .

Idleness that is always with you

Duration: 0:33:44

Polk podcast revisits how Russian literature speaks of idleness . From the blissful bliss of romantic poets to the pathological inactivity of Oblomov . From moralizing verses of Marshak and Barto to the real trial of the "parasite" Brodsky .

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