
Tactics of "bears" and "bulls": behind the scenes of the stock exchange and currencies

Duration: 0:35:51

The price of Latvian grain, for example, is determined not by the farmers themselves, but by exchange quotations . The weather in our country is far from the most important of them, one might say, it is not taken into account at all . Today's conversation with Vents Udris, a stock broker from Luminor Bank, who has been involved in this business for 20 years, is about this .

The secret life of a local historian

Duration: 0:34:59

If you go into the reading room of the library, you may see them: people of completely different ages and types, buried in some old tomes, surrounded by a pile of newspapers and stacks of books . Today we will understand the essence of local history together with the well-known Latvian guide and, of course, local historian, historian Oleg Pukhlyak .

Minerals in Latvia: peat, oil, gold

Duration: 0:36:18

Doctor of Geology, Associate Professor of the University of Latvia Girts Stinkulis talks about the nature of minerals and what Latvia is rich in this sense . Geology is a rapidly developing science all over the world but our planet has not been studied enough.

Pollen: scientists "train" the device to count it

Duration: 0:39:22

Pollen contains proteins that a person reacts to with the production of immunoglobulin E, which can lead to an allergic reaction . The release of pollen coincides with the time of the greatest turbulence of the atmosphere . In Latvia, pollen allergy may appear as early as February .

Jesuits and words from Latvian lullabies: unexpected discoveries of scientists

Duration: 0:37:38

400 years ago, when the Swedish troops occupied Riga, a large collection of publications significant for the history of Latvian culture was transported to Sweden . Today it is one of the oldest book collections in the Uppsala University Library . Reinis Norkarkls, lecturer at the University of Latvia, Master of Theology, will talk about this publication, about what scientists have learned, today in the program “The Nature of Things”

The phenomenon of culture migration

Duration: 0:35:14

Latvia: Migration of Cultures is the name of the first collection of scientific works devoted to multicultural environment that has emerged on the territory of Latvia since the moment when the first inhabitants began to inhabit it . What is the migration of cultures, what are its causes, types, goals and participants - we talk about this in the program "Nature of Things" with Anita Rozhkalne, Doctor of Philology, leading researcher at the Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art of the University of Latvia .

State constitution. Is it possible to do without it?

Duration: 0:35:49

Is it possible to do without the main law of the country - the constitution, as we usually understand it? The question seems rhetorical, but practice shows that it is still possible . Contrary to popular belief, the Constitution is not a set of immutable rules and concepts, but legal norms that are constantly being improved .