
The Immortal Machado de Assis, Author of Himself

Duration: 0:02:10.742857

In a discussion about the literary genius of Machado de Assis, Luana Bernardes highlights the intricate understanding of the human mind presented in his works, particularly through the character of Capitu in "Dom Casmurro." She refers to Adelmo Marcos Rossi, who thoroughly explored Machadian literature, suggesting that Assis inadvertently laid the groundwork for conceptual psychology long before Freud. Rossi's book, "O Imortal Machado de Assis," delves into the author's portrayal of psychological concepts, indicating that one does not need extensive knowledge to recognize these ideas in Assis's writing. Bernardes compares Machiavellian concepts to historical events, such as Julius Caesar's crossing of the Rubicon, which symbolizes significant and irreversible decisions. The self-published book contains over 450 pages analyzing Assis's novels, chronicles, poems, and plays. For more on literature, you can visit the BandNews FM Rio website or follow her on Instagram.