
History of Nokia company

Duration: 0:02:20.303673

Filled with stories and creativity, the life of a human being is like a castle built on a foundation of tales and legends that have shaped human civilization and led us to where we are today economically. The road to economic prosperity is not paved with mistakes, as the wise say, and every moment in history has its own battles and victories that no one could have imagined would disappear. In a deal of the new century, a civil engineer knocked on the door of a Nokia executive, asking about the new motor they were developing. The executive couldn't help but smile and inform the engineer that he was talking about the predecessor marble that once ruled the world. Competition arose when the engineer revealed that he would be leaving, carrying Android technology to another company, causing the executive to regret losing their company's worth from over 80 billion dollars in 2000 to less than 18 billion in the present day. Nokia, a company that was once a leader in the mobile phone market, saw its downfall as new innovations emerged, ultimately leading to its restructuring in 2008 under the reign of a visionary leader who transformed it into a telecommunications giant. As Nokia continues to adapt and evolve in the ever-changing technological landscape, it remains a symbol of resilience and innovation in the face of adversity.