
Japan-Europe: porcelain bridge

Duration: 0:35:00

The first information about porcelain products dates back to the fourth century AD and it comes from China . Then he began to appear in the countries closest to China, such as Mongolia, Korea, then in Japan, and then in Europe .

The power of women. Empresses of China

Duration: 0:34:39

Do you know how many women have influenced the fate of China with their decisions, actions, skills and their power? The guest of the program is a specialist in ancient and medieval history, a senior researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences .

Scary exams or why teachers are respected in China

Duration: 0:35:00

In China, education is free for the population. In Latvia, students take exams, but what can a Chinese student boast of in front of a Latvian peer? Except, of course, that he knows a very difficult Chinese language.

Crystals: From Apocalypse to Absolute

Duration: 0:34:29

Oksana Reznichenko: Crystals are the most mysterious objects that scientists around the world are studying with interest . One of the popular scenarios of the apocalypse, written by the famous science fiction writer, a chemist by education, Kurt Vonnegut, is connected precisely with crystals. It is interesting that crystals can not only grow like living organisms, but also reproduce themselves .

The image of the dragon in the mythology of different peoples

Duration: 0:35:00

In ancient China there was even an official position - the manager of dragons . Foreigners who visited the territories of modern Lithuania and Russia in the Middle Ages wrote about creatures that looked like large lizards, which were worshiped by the local population .