
Dust in your eyes

Duration: 0:26:08

Varvara Babitskaya, Lev Oborin, Polina Ryzhova and Yuri Saprykin talk about Russian classical literature . They say Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky are boring, boring, it's a "dusty yesterday"; it's not for us and not about today? Is it possible to make interesting old books that are boring?

Russia is the birthplace of Godzilla

Duration: 0:38:06

The editors of "Shelf" Varvara Babitskaya, Lev Oborin, Polina Ryzhova and Yuri Saprykin discuss what Russian literary megalomania is . How are texts of large volume and ambitions of a planetary scale connected? How did literature, trying to explain the world, come to the need to change it?

Blizzard again

Duration: 0:59:43

Gathered on a winter evening in the hospitable library of Nekrasov, the editors of the "Polka" discussed the role of snow and cold in literature . From Russian fairy tales and Christmas stories to four Snowstorms (Pushkin, Tolstoy, Pasternak and Sorokin), from the poems of Blok and Brodsky to conspiracy investigations about the Dyatlov Pass.