Climate summit pledges to end deforestation and cut methane by 2030

More than 100 world leaders committed to investing nearly $200 billion to end deforestation by 2030 and reverse the loss and degradation of land. This announcement was made at the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, where countries like Canada, Brazil, Russia, and Indonesia signed the agreement to stop deforestation by 2030, a move considered key to preventing the impacts of global warming. These countries have approximately 85% of the world's forests. Besides, 28 countries have committed to reducing deforestation in global trade of food and agricultural products such as palm oil, soy, and cocoa. The United Kingdom pledged to support the initiative with $200 million from public and private funds. The EU government also promised €103 billion by 2025 to tackle deforestation. The decision was considered crucial in controlling the Earth's warming to 1.5°C.

Podcast URL: External link

Duration: 0:11:59

Language: Chinese

Topics: Climate change Deforestation

Author: RFI

Speech density: MEDIUM